

The procedure is the same as it is used in water softening installations. The ion exchange resins used are the anionic type. They change nitrates with chlorine, increasing the concentration of the latter proportionally, but without affecting the health.

The difference is the type of the resin, it is special for denitrification.

Denitrificator - Cabinet

denitrificator clack

The main advantages of Denitrification Cabinet are:

  • Up flow and Down Flow regeneration with saline solution - the most efficient method
  • Volumetric regeneration at the time set by the user
  • Microprocessor with non-volatile memory with water volume and flow display
  • The operating parameters controlled by the microprocessor

For the Denitrification system it can be used both CLACK or EXPERT valves.

Denitrificator Dublu Corp

denitrificator dublu corp clack

This model of Denitrification include a fiber vessel with resin that is separated by a brine vessel.

Twin alternating Water Denitrification

denitrificator duplex clack

Twin alternating Water Denitrification are composed by 2 fiber vessels with cationic resin and have the possibility to supply water 24/24 compare with a single resin vessel. They are used in industrial applications where it is necessary to supply softened water without interruptions. Expert Water Twin Alternating Denitrification are specially built to treat water from locations with large numbers of people, such as blocks, hotels, boarding houses, or any kind of community. Also, these systems are ideal for industrial applications, where you want a CONTINUOUS OPERATION 24/24. Expert Water Systems are able to operate at high flow rates and with low pressure losses. They have a controller that allows programming the operating parameters in detail.

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